Beauty Tunes: Airs for Solo Harp arr. by Kim Robertson

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Table of Contents:

Bridget O’Malley 
Bright Quiet Eileen O’Carroll 
Ca’ the Yowes 
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing 
Edge of the White Rock 
Eleanor Plunkett 
Flower Among Them All 
Flower of Magherally 
For the Beauty of the Earth 
Going Home 
I Live Not Where I Love 
Jesus, Be in My Heart 
Kitty, My Love 
Lea Rig 
Lord Galway’s Lamentation 
Maids of Arrochar 
Mary, Young and Fair 
Miss Hamilton 
Mo Ghile Mear 
My Brown Haired Maiden, Love of my Heart 
Ned of the Hill 
Niel Gow’s Lament 
Rorate Coeli Desuper 
Song of the Water Kelpie 
Tonight My Sleep Will Be Restless