Fun from the First- Volume 2- Milligan

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Product Description

Sam Milligan

A guide for early harpists which includes continuing development of techniques, such as glissandos, crossing fingers, arpeggios, and chords.

Table of Contents:
Connecting Groups of Fingerings, Exercises Using Connected Groups, Robin Loves Me, Connecting at the Bottom of the Groups, Exercises using Various Conencted Groups, Noel, Giga, The Royal Oak, Extended Groups, In The Month of May, Chords Involving Three Fingers, Pavan, Air, Vesper Hymn, The Glissando, The Scale Glissando, The Prepared Glissando, The Purple Bamboo, O Sanctissima, Larger Leaps in the Left Hand, When Love Is Kind, Kremser, The First Noel, Deck the Halls, Pasing Over and Under with the Thumb, Descending, The Musical Phrase, Early One Morning, Album Leaf
O Sanctissima fulfills the requirement for ABRSM Grade 1 List A
The Purple Bamboo fulfills the requirement for ABRSM Grade 1 List B 
Beginner lever harp 

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