Product Description
100 Hymns in lead sheet format, including an explanation of how to successfully read and play lead sheets.
Table of Contents:
Aberstwyth Adeste Fidelis Adoro Te Devot Amazing Grace America Antioch Ar Hyd Y Nos Assurance Austria Ave Virgo Virginum Azmon Balm in Gilead Beecher Bradbury Bread of Life Canonbury Christmas Conditor Alme Siderum Converse Coronation Cradle Song Crusader's Hymn Cwm Rhondda Darwell's 148th Dennis Desmond Diademata Divinium Mysterium Dix Dominus Regit Me Duke Street Easter Hymn Ein' Feste Burg Ellacombe Es Ist Ein' Ros' Eventide Festal Song |
ForestGreen Foundation Gaudeamus Pariter Gloria Go Tell It God Rest You Merry Graefenberg Grosser Gott Hamburg Hendon Herzliebster Jesu Hyfrydol I Want To Be A Christian In Dulci Jubilo Irby Italian Hymn Jesus Loves Me Kremser Kum Ba Yah Land of Rest Lasst Uns Erfreuen Laudes Domini Llanfair Lobe Den Herren Lonesome Valley Lyons Martyrdom Maryton Mendelssohn Moscow Mueller Nettleton New Britain Nicaea Nan Dank. All' & Br. Ehr' Nun Danket Alle Gott Old Hundredth |
Olivet Pentecost Picardy Rathbun Regent Square Royal Oak Sicilian Mariners St. Agnes St. Anne St. Catherine St. Columba St. Denio St. Elizabeth St. George's Windsor St. Peter St. Theodulph St. Thomas Stille Nacht Stuttgart Tallis' Canon Tallis' Ordinal Tempus Adest Floridum Terra Beata Terra Patris The First Nowell Three Kings of Orient Truro Valet Will Ich Dir Geben Veni Veni Emmanuel Venite Adoramus W Zlobie Lezy Winchester Old Wondrous Love Woodwort |
Early intermediate lever harp