Play the Harp Beautifully! Level 1

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Product Description

by Pamela Bruner

A Self-Teaching Book

Play the Harp Beautifully by Pamela Bruner: The harp world has long awaited a book like this! Teachers can supplement existing learning books, or students can use this to teach themselves! Valuable explanations on string location, electronic tuner usage, hand position, and much more. Hand position pictures in this book are valuable and helpful, leaving no question on how to hold your hands at the harp. Notes are large, easy-to-read and Ms. Bruner moves slowly enough to grasp the necessary concepts needed for good technique and tone. Anyone using this book will have a firm concept about theory, fingering & brackets, and come to the harp with confidence. Also gives a solid explanation of placing, which is essential to playing lyrically and with good phrasing. This is clearly one of the finest methods books available for harp.


  • 5
    Best Self-Teaching or Lesson Beginner Harp Book

    Posted by Eryn Jones Fuson on 15th Jun 2016

    I am a harp teacher, and use this book for my students; it is the most thorough I have found with wonderful instruction on technique, exercises, and beginner songs including pictures of correct hand shapes, etc.